Brian’s Story

Brian’s life changed with a diagnosis. When he was 34, he found out that he had pancreatic cancer and that his chances of survival were very low. It was a complete shock. He never considered himself particularly unhealthy – he did what everyone else he knew did. He went to the gym occasionally; he drank beers with his friends on Saturday night; he ate what was convenient and worked long hours. He felt he led a typical life.

While going through treatment (which was thankfully successful), and supported by his partner Stef, he completely reoriented his life. He realised that what he had thought was normal – the stressful work deadlines, the fast food which fuelled it and the weekends spent recovering from the workload – might be what everyone else was doing, but it had to change. He hadn’t been living before.

He decided to heavily invest in his own health. He already had health insurance – that’s what had got him through treatment – this was a different kind of investment. The healthcare system has undoubtably saved his life, but he didn’t want to find himself in the same situation again, dependent on medication, and needing take more pills to counteract the side effects of the ones he had to take for treatment. He read and researched a lot. He changed his diet; he took up yoga and meditation (Luisa Ray was his yoga teacher!). He quit his job and then the pandemic hit. He had time to work on a new business, one more aligned to his ideals.

Brian feels that he now understands better what is most important to him. His values have changed. He established Vital Life Books because he wants others to have access to information that can change their life, that can lead them to be more vital and full of energy.