Welcome to Vital Life Books

Vital books for a vital life

We are Vital Life Books, a motivated publishing company specializing in books about health. We believe that everyone should have the tools to take the power of their health into their own hands. We are committed to providing those tools. Now more than ever, we believe that our health is our most precious commodity, and we must do all we can to nurture it.

Our journey began out of personal experience – and you can find out more about that here – but it is an experience that will be faced by many people during their lifetime. Chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are continually on the rise and mental health is under increasing pressure.

We believe that the choices we make and the path we choose makes all the difference – and the first step is knowledge. We want to provide our readers with the knowledge to make the right choices. We started as a small business in 2021 and we continue growing and learning to offer you what you deserve. The health and happiness of our readers is our top priority!

With books covering health, nutrition, exercise and wellness in our library, and many more planned for release soon, you’re sure to find something that interests you.

Vital Books for a Vital Life

You can check out our books here.